The Schott Foundation gathered grassroots organizations from across the country for the Opportunity to Learn Federal Policy Commission. On the eve of their recommendations becoming public, the Commission’s Director, Michael S. Wotorson, discusses why they came together and how their ideas will influence school board actions, local municipal leadership and state policy.
Claudia Goldin, recent Nobel Prize winner and the Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is a trailblazer who...
If you’ve been following my work at all, you know I bristle at many “incremental” solutions to child care challenges.
Why Invest in Public Campaigns to Promote Marriage When What’s Needed Are Effective Policies?
New Two Parent Privilege Book Strikes a Nerve
Prior to becoming a mother, Emily Ford worked as a personal fitness trainer in the Salt Lake City, Utah area....
When the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project reported earlier this year that women in the workforce have made the greatest contribution...
Amid major union actions in the auto and entertainment industries and a historic looming strike by health care workers, I want to talk about the role of unions in child care.
A graphic story on the child care cliff and end of ARPA funding for child care
A Top Priority for Generation Z? Child Care
New Survey Shows Generation Z Values Child Care as a Leading Workplace Benefit
Kelly Choi crunched the numbers on child care, and the results didn’t look good. Like the majority (66 percent) of...
OPINION: Federal Programs and Data Demonstrate the Value of Relative and Neighbor Child Care Providers
It's Time for Federal Policy to Do the Same
Family, friend and neighbor child care (FFN)—child care that is offered informally in families and communities by trusted family members...
If caregiving is labor, if caregiving supports child development, if caregiving boosts the economy, if caregiving enables family flourishing, then how can we say only institutional programs belong within child care policy?
The Lahaina Fires Illuminate Our Immense Unpreparedness of Weather-Related Disasters
Will They Force Us to Reckon with the Vulnerability of Our Youngest Children in a Warming World?
There were children in Lahaina as fires razed the historic town of 13,000 people on August 8. One survivor fled...
A book intended as a catalyst for change, a call to action and marching papers for a national grassroots movement of those committed to addressing the racial, gender and economic injustices endemic to the ECE field.