This article, the first in a new series, will highlight efforts being led by local, state and national partners of the recently launched National Collaborative for Infants and Toddlers (NCIT) to advance promising prenatal-to-three policies and programs that create and expand family support systems.
In December 2018, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a policy statement calling for a ban on physical discipline for children. Here are seven of the most effective discipline approaches.
One of the global pioneers behind the science of early childhood learning and development, Ellen Galinsky, chief science officer at the Bezos Family Foundation and executive director of Mind in the Making, discusses her landmark book, Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs, as well as her next project, which includes exploring the mind of the adolescent.
How the remarkable relationship between Dr. Darlene Clemens and Ellen Galinsky began -- and the early learning community that was created.
How has Hayat Pharmacy established collaborations with other leading Milwaukee institutions to support Milwaukee early learning? You'll want to find out.
The Marshmallow Test has sparked debate and inspired replication for more than 40 years. Is it a true measurement of executive function skills and therefore predictive of life success for all children or not so for less advantaged children?
How are cities and towns grappling with a host of urgent challenges? According to Tonja Rucker of the National League of Cities, mayors and city leaders are testing cutting-edge strategies and developing bold solutions that place children at the center of every decision.
The scientific method isn’t just for scientists. Being curious about something, trying to figure it out, forming an idea about what’s going on and then testing it by trial and error are as natural to young children as breathing and learning to crawl.
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