The best time to get a child’s life off to a solid start begins months before their birth. That’s why...
K.C. Compton worked as a reporter, editor and columnist for newspapers throughout the Rocky Mountain region for 20 years before moving to the Kansas City area as an editor for Mother Earth News. She has been in Seattle since 2016, enjoying life as a freelance and contract writer and editor.
Children come into the world noticing. They notice sights, sounds, smells and the attitudes and emotions of people around them....
Mind in the Making: 10 Years of Keeping the Fire Burning in Children’s Eyes
Research Becomes a Book; A Book Becomes a Movement
Not all adventurers wear rugged clothes and pith helmets; some carry laptops, notebooks and pens. But all are driven by the same impulse: They have a question and they won’t rest until they have an answer that satisfies them. “What’s over that mountain?” “Where does this river go?”
In the case for Ellen Galinsky, author of more than 100 books and reports and a self-described “research adventurer,” the driving question in 2000 was, “How do we keep the fire burning in children’s eyes?”
As founder of the groundbreaking Roots of Empathy program and author of the bestselling book by the same name, Mary...
Two decades of neuroscience research have irrefutably proven that the most profound period in a child’s life is the time...
Throughout the U.S., the care network for our nation’s youngest children is less a tightly woven safety net and more...
When a baby peers into the face of an adult making the kind of goofy faces and noises most of...
Geography and Race, State by State, Can Determine the Fate Of Both Mother and Baby
CAP Report Outlines the Data
The U.S. has the highest maternal and infant mortality rates among any comparable developed countries. In 2017, it ranked 55th...
What a Difference Extended-Hours Childcare Makes
17-Hour Childcare in Rochester Is a Gamechanger for Working Parents
When many daycare centers are closing shop for the day, Rosa Marie at Rochester’s Marvelous Mind Academy is just getting...
Teaching is a creative profession, as much art as science, and for those who go into the field, it can...
The building block has been such a fact of American childhood for so long, it’s easy to dismiss the humble...
For babies to have the best start in life, they need to form a deep emotional bond with the person...