In 2016, Alma Gonzalez, a passionate Latino community leader and volunteer, along with the community organization Eastside Pathways, identified the...
Takoma Park, Md., population 17,672, is often gently lampooned by the Washington Post for its progressive politics and community activism....
Although trying to keep up with a toddler can feel like opening day at the goat rodeo, the movement between...
For decades, the Educational Alliance on Manhattan’s Lower East Side ran two parallel but separate early childhood programs. If you...
As the U.S. finally appears to be coming to grips with how essential childcare is to future economic growth—and how...
What’s Missing in Early Childhood Education: A School District
The established model works for K-12, so why is it missing in ECE?
Neighborhood Villages began with a goal: do for child care what the state already does for K-12. Organize it, regulate...
Martha’s Vineyard, an island south of Cape Cod, Mass., has long been known as a resort community for prosperous Black families as well as a gathering place for Democratic Party leaders and supporters. There’s more to the picture, however, than summertime wealth and power. A recent report based on the American Communities Survey described “a continuing housing crisis and some of the deeply ingrained inequality affecting the rest of the country.”
Education researchers know a lot about how most children learn to read. An Education Week piece by Sarah Schwartz and...
As kids head back to school—in person, hybrid or remote—a wistfulness for the missed opportunities of summer might be setting...
The red tote bags hold adventure and history. They hold laughter and struggle. They hold inspiration and understanding. Recently, the...
Getting a child outdoors to embrace literacy, art and the great outdoors is simple: All you need is a cordless...
Cokis is an immigrant mom and grandmother in Arizona. Her struggles with the trauma that she and one of her...