COVID-19 has obviously presented an array of challenges to states during 2020. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned...
The question that parents and practitioners really want to know is this: How safe are child cares? Or, put another way, how likely is my child (or am I) to catch COVID-19 from a child care center? In order to know that, we need to be able to answer how much transmission is occurring WITHIN child care centers? Until we ask the right questions and demand the right data, we’ll be stumbling in the dark.
Colorado has fared better than many of our neighboring states because the people of this state have been taking this pandemic seriously -- wearing masks, staying at home, keeping their distance from others, practicing proper hygiene and protecting at-risk populations like older Coloradans and those with underlying health conditions. I’m proud that by-and-large, Coloradans are doing right by each other. We wouldn’t be making progress as a state if people were ignoring these crucial public health recommendations.
COVID-19 is a bizarre disease that defies easy answers. It impacts the lungs – except when it doesn’t. It brutalizes...
There’s an African proverb that’s now universally popular, and it says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Governor Pritzker and I realize that the child care industry is part of the essential foundation that helps our children develop intellectually and emotionally. The industry allows working parents to focus on being productive on their jobs.
Anyone who has been following the intersection of COVID-19 and child care knows that the U.S. is not doing well....
Author’s Note: This moment, when the world has stopped spinning on its axis, presents an important opportunity to re-examine our...
Author’s Note: This moment, when the world has stopped spinning on its axis, presents an important opportunity to re-examine our...
The US Census Bureau recently singled out Idaho for having the nation’s largest percentage of population growth. Why do you...
Author’s Note: This moment, when the world has stopped spinning on its axis, presents an important opportunity to re-examine our...
Author’s Note: This moment, when the world has stopped spinning on its axis, presents an important opportunity to re-examine our...
Monitoring the patchwork of responses to COVID-19 across 50 states can be overwhelming. For example, in Washington state, a slowdown...