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Mind in the Making: 10 Years of Keeping the Fire Burning in Children’s Eyes

Research Becomes a Book; A Book Becomes a Movement

Not all adventurers wear rugged clothes and pith helmets; some carry laptops, notebooks and pens. But all are driven by the same impulse: They have a question and they won’t rest until they have an answer that satisfies them. “What’s over that mountain?” “Where does this river go?” In the case for Ellen Galinsky, author of more than 100 books and reports and a self-described “research adventurer,” the driving question in 2000 was, “How do we keep the fire burning in children’s eyes?”
Baby pulling stethoscope. Photo courtesy Mount Sinai Parenting Center
New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital is one of the nation’s oldest and largest teaching hospitals. They're upping their early childhoold development game with an online curriculum that demonstrates how pediatric residents can promote brain development and help strengthen parent-child relationships within the confines of routine well-child visits

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