Cast in America as a pay-to-play system with limited public funding, child care has long struggled with issues like difficult budgetary math, low educator pay, and highly variable quality. An unprecedented degree of investor activity is creating a cascade of risks for the sector, risks which threaten the path toward an inclusive child care system which works well for all children, parents, and early educators.
Bank Street College of Education’s second cohort of Early Childhood Policy Fellows includes 13 female leaders working toward quality and...
A little-noticed meteorite is about to smash into family child care providers. If Congress does not act by June 30th...
Recently, the anthropologist James Peacock III told me about the night in 1964 when his newborn daughter Louly had swallowed...
Just a few weeks after Oregon’s Department of Early Learning and Care broke off from the state’s Department of Education...
As the debate rages over proposals to improve U.S. child care, several commentators— mostly self-described conservatives—have pointed to Quebec’s child...
“Families are maxed out,” says Myra Jones-Taylor. “Not just children, but their parents and the support networks they rely upon.”...
2 Out Of 5 Child Care Teachers Make So Little They Need Public Assistance to Support Their Families
Wages for child care employees are lower than for animal caretakers and bellhops. In America, child care teachers earn a median wage of $13.07 an hour.
Caring for children during their first few years is a complex and critical job: A child’s brain develops more in...
Although we’re back to attending in-person events with our Early Learning Nation Studio, we’ll continue to recap top virtual conversations,...
On Tuesday, August 3, The Hunt Institute’s Dan Wuori and Trust for Learning’s Ellen Roche cohosted a webinar spotlighting the role of play in ideal learning environments. “Play is a vehicle for learning rather than a distraction from it,” Wuori stated.
On Thursday, April 29, The Hunt Institute hosted a conversation with researchers and school leaders in Virginia. Data on new school readiness points to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the preparedness of young students.
First Lady Susan Hutchinson and I have a strong commitment to protecting children, strengthening families and improving outcomes. We share the belief that every child in Arkansas deserves a safe and stable nurturing family every day.