Everyone likes good news, so it’s no wonder that when Mississippi went from being ranked second-worst in 2013 for fourth grade reading scores to 21st in 2022, the media kept using the m-word. “Everybody keeps on calling this a miracle,” says Dr. Jill Dent, executive director, Early Childhood Education, Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). “But we have worked really hard, and we were very intentional.”
How the Stories Kids Tell Shape Their Worlds
A conversation with Andrei Cimpian of NYU’s Cognitive Development Lab
Why am I having trouble counting when my friends aren’t? Is it because I’m not smart? How come Mom quit...
Here are five principles Dutta-Gupta keeps in mind while leading an anti-poverty organization dedicated to ensuring that policies, programs and practices advance racial equity.
What do you get when you put a young child and a young adult together in a classroom? Magic, says Crystal Rountree, CEO of Jumpstart.
Faisa Farole is the first Black midwife to own and operate a freestanding birth center in the state of Washington....
When The New York Times declared, “America’s Mothers Are in Crisis” in February, it was hardly news to America’s mothers....
In reviewing the extensive body of research on children’s language development, you might find yourself looking around for some fathers....
The Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act: The Boldest Plan On Offer Is Quietly Received (3-Part Series, Part 2)
Series: Which Path Forward?: Analyzing the Flurry of Federal Child Care Proposals
Sen. Elizabeth Warren was in many ways the match that lit the current child care moment. Before the world had...
Although young children are more resilient to the health effects of Covid, the global pandemic hit them with stunning force....
Experts say that every dollar invested in care produces $9 in spending. Child care spending in particular both creates jobs...
On Tuesday, August 3, The Hunt Institute’s Dan Wuori and Trust for Learning’s Ellen Roche cohosted a webinar spotlighting the role of play in ideal learning environments. “Play is a vehicle for learning rather than a distraction from it,” Wuori stated.
Bilingualism means more than the ability to speak two languages. Robert Stechuk, UnidosUS’s director of early childhood education programs, maintains...