Some experts say that when it comes specifically to teaching consent, sex education for young children can be done without being explicit, and it can help kids learn about boundaries and empathy when it comes to their own bodies and the bodies of other people.
Act Naturally: The Benefits of Wet Hands and Muddy Feet
An Interview with Richard Louv
How do we get today’s kids active and in tune with nature? And if the current generation of young parents missed out on personal experiences with nature, who will teach their children?
Meeting (and Teaching) Families in Unexpected Places Can Transform Cities
Grocery stores, bus stops, laundromats… what’s next?
School is a great place to learn, but it’s not the only place. No matter how excellent our teachers are, no matter how enriching the curricula, school accounts for only about 20 percent of children’s waking hours. That’s why a growing number of education pioneers are building out nontraditional sites for young minds to develop their language skills and to learn about their world.
Make. Learning. Relevant.
Dean Kamen’s Vision for Building Community
Imagine a world where baseball is a subject taught in school. Just one thing is missing from this imaginary curriculum: the students never actually get to play the game.
In September, they open their textbooks and read about the origins and rules of baseball. After winter break they take tests on pitching and hitting records set by the greatest players. By the spring, classes delve into the nuances of base stealing and bunting.
So what if they never swing a bat themselves or catch a line drive, right? It’s not like any of them are going to become professional ballplayers, right?
To Dean Kamen, this scenario is no more absurd than the way math and science have been taught traditionally.
Robin Hood FUELs the Future for Children
Shares Brain Science, Strategically Partners to Create an Early Learning Metropolis
The greatest city in the world. More than 100,000 children 0-3 growing up in poverty. Two facts that are painful to reconcile.
This is a job for Robin Hood. Unafraid to challenge the seemingly intractable, the grant maker and all-around poverty fighter combines rigorous data and strategic partnerships with powerhouse fundraising.
Here’s the story behind the $50 million, five-year Fund for Early Learning (FUEL) .
Summer travel is a whole other thing when you’re a parent of young children. The rest and relaxation you’ve been...
Shared Values, Different Stories
Logan Smalley’s Vision for Building Community
Like a lot of kids, Logan Smalley liked to take his toys apart and then try (the operative word is...
Where do you go for the top news in Early Learning at the municipal level? Check out “5 Questions for the Mayor,” where we’ll explore the top Early Learning challenges and successes in cities across the nation. We’re thrilled to partner with the National League of Cities on this new series.
Why Don’t We Just Do That?
Over Cocktails, Restaurateurs Hatch a Plan for Literacy
Three years ago, Amanda and John Horne, owners of Anna Maria Oyster Bar in Bradenton, Florida, heard that 51 percent of children in their local Manatee County school system couldn’t read at grade level by third grade. They were appalled.
“This was horrific,” Amanda says. “We had no idea that this was an issue.”
Over cocktails one night, Amanda and John wondered what they could do. Their clientele is largely composed of older “grandparent-type” people. They have four restaurants and a mailing list of more than 24,000 customers. What if they could pair children up with a grandparent figure or somebody who cares about them, read with them and maybe instill them with a love of reading?
The Consequences of Forced Separation
When Traumatized Children Return to Traumatized Parents
Science tells us that an outpouring of stress hormones shapes the way the brain develops. Trauma affects behavior, brain development, even the immune system. It’s devastating for all, but for newborns and youngest children, the impact can be profound.
“Our health system is failing women” are the unequivocal opening words of a report issued this past spring by Early...
I see people signing all the time because I live in the Washington, D.C., area near the Red Line, which...