It’s been a stellar year at Early Learning Nation! We’ve created fresh, science-fueled content every week, spanning remarkable Early Learning...
Our partners from the Center for the Study of Social Policy held a webinar on Tuesday, January 14, to teach...
When Chef Alicia McCabe encouraged her young daughter to try salsa for the first time, her little girl politely refused....
We are all more than our most challenging moments. As Ellen Galinsky, Bezos Family Foundation Chief Science Officer and Founder/Executive Director of Mind in the Making, explains, a focus on “trauma informed care” in early learning is shifting to “asset informed care.” And that process starts with looking at children in terms of their strengths.
Three years ago, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and the National League of Cities (NLC) partnered...
Fred Rogers: Seeker of Truth
A Personal Remembrance
In October 2003—a mere eight months after my friend and colleague Fred Rogers died—Hyperion published a beautiful book of his...
Feeding Our Children’s Future, Neighborhood to National
The Big Fragmented Landscape
The good news? With increased research, policy, evaluation, tracking and funding for early childhood nutrition, healthy eating and equitable food access programs, we’re seeing a growing positive impact on the health, cognitive, physical, emotional and social development of the next generation. The not-so-great news? There’s lots of work to do.
Daniel Hudson, a 32-year-old pitcher for Major League Baseball’s Washington Nationals, was criticized by some for missing a playoff game...
Last November, voters in and around Grand Rapids, Michigan’s second-largest city (population 200,000), made Kent County the first county in Michigan to approve a referendum that raises property taxes specifically for early childhood.
You know something special is happening in our field when so many great topics converge in one space– we were...
Researchers presenting at the recent 2019 Zero to Three conference detailed a program that studies have found effective in treating...
The most important game of serve and return that a parent can play has nothing to do with tennis. As...