People who work in the early childhood education sector are crucial to keeping millions of American children healthy and safe...
While we see the tyranny of merit most active in K-12 and higher education, school readiness is the Trojan horse through which it has breached the world of early childhood.
What, in the end, do we want young children (and young parents) to be ready for? For a nation that forces you to run a race before your legs can even hold your own weight, or a nation that says ‘we’ve got you, take your time’?
Back in May, I had the privilege to present the closing keynote address at the Child Care Services Association annual conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. One point that several attendees told me resonated was when I showed that you can make many different arguments for child care, although advocates tend to focus primarily on only a few.
New York City’s 60-year-old Fight for Universal Child Care
Today’s Activists Are Part of A Long, Historic Struggle. Will They Succeed?
As a federal plan to make child care affordable languishes in Congress, New York City has joined the growing number...
After decades of disinvestment in child care that went largely unnoticed, the pandemic knocked the fragile system even more off...
Study Shows Stronger Outcomes for English Learners with Early Access to Pre-K Programs
Benefits Include Stronger Attendance, English Language Development and Early Literacy
Bilingual educators weren’t immune to the COVID-19 burnout that hit teachers this year. For example, last October, Illinois school districts...
A little-noticed meteorite is about to smash into family child care providers. If Congress does not act by June 30th...
The U.S. child care system falls deeper into crisis with every passing day. The sector is still missing 100,000 educators compared to before the pandemic, and amid a competitive labor market, the staffing recovery has slowed to a crawl.
New Mexico, a state long used to landing at the bottom of national rankings for children’s well-being, just made a...
The State of Oklahoma is on a mission to become a Top Ten state for all Oklahomans. When we presented this concept on the campaign trail in 2018, there was deep support around this opportunity. We know that we must focus on our children and families for us to reach this goal.
How the Stories Kids Tell Shape Their Worlds
A conversation with Andrei Cimpian of NYU’s Cognitive Development Lab
Why am I having trouble counting when my friends aren’t? Is it because I’m not smart? How come Mom quit...