Praise is a funny thing. Words of acknowledgment can be the water and sunshine that help children grow into sturdy,...
“This is a moment for difficult conversations,” says Dr. Robert Blaine, who recently became senior executive of the Institute for...
The pandemic has upended entire industries, including the early childhood education (ECE) industry, which has suffered through permanent closures, high...
Despite working in captivity for most of 2020, we continued to speak with top Early Learning researchers, educators, nonprofit and...
An Electoral “Children’s Wave”
Q&A with Children's Funding Project Founder Elizabeth Gaines
On November 3rd, seven early childhood ballot initiatives went before voters in cities and counties around the nation. All seven...
Just as Early Learning Nation showcases the ways families, researchers and grassroots nonprofits and organizations are building an early learning...
Because we can’t take our Early Learning Nation Studio on the road during this time, stay tuned as ELN recaps...
Children come into the world noticing. They notice sights, sounds, smells and the attitudes and emotions of people around them....
The Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development, or RAPID project, gathers essential information on unmet needs and health-promoting behaviors for...
5 Takeaways from Jack Shonkoff’s EdRedesign Keynote
Welcome to Our New Column Covering Live Events
On May 19, Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff delivered the Education Redesign Lab (EdRedesign) spring keynote address via YouTube. Among his many distinctions, Dr. Shonkoff—Director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child and Professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard Graduate School of Education—was awarded the 2019 LEGO Prize for revolutionizing the field of early child development. Here are our notes from his remarks.
Ken Burns: Committing to Complexity
Nothing against TikTok, but the documentarian still believes in sustained attention
If you add it all up, Ken Burns and PBS have broadcast over 200 hours of documentary films. It might...
On February 28, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce held a summit for early education advocates and professionals, highlighting the work...