Where do you go for the top news in Early Learning at the state level? Check out “5 Questions for...
5 Questions for the Governor
Where do you go for the top news in Early Learning at the state level? Check out “5 Questions for the Governor,” where we explore the top Early Learning challenges and successes in states across the nation. We’re thrilled to partner with The Hunt Institute on this series.
First Lady Susan Hutchinson and I have a strong commitment to protecting children, strengthening families and improving outcomes. We share the belief that every child in Arkansas deserves a safe and stable nurturing family every day.
Colorado has fared better than many of our neighboring states because the people of this state have been taking this pandemic seriously -- wearing masks, staying at home, keeping their distance from others, practicing proper hygiene and protecting at-risk populations like older Coloradans and those with underlying health conditions. I’m proud that by-and-large, Coloradans are doing right by each other. We wouldn’t be making progress as a state if people were ignoring these crucial public health recommendations.
Where do you go for the top news in Early Learning at the state level? Check out “5 Questions for...
We have many schools in our state that are doing incredible work, from Frederick Douglass Elementary in Seaford to Etta Wilson Elementary in Newark. Our focus is to ensure every single child is successful. This is the most important work we do as a state, and I will do everything in my power to continue to support children, educators and families.
Kina’ole means I will do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, in the right place...
The US Census Bureau recently singled out Idaho for having the nation’s largest percentage of population growth. Why do you...
Child care workers and teachers are critical workers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, families have faced many challenges – including child care access. We know that if we wanted to keep essential workers, teachers, law enforcement and many other essential employees and their services functioning, we needed to ensure access to child care.
I’ve been focused on expanding Pre-K for families that need it most since the beginning of my administration. I made it a priority in my last State of the State Address because I know how crucial it is for our families and for our economy.
Mississippians are resilient. In the face of tremendous danger, they have come together. We have been able to put politics aside and fight this virus as one.
I was a sheriff for 22 years. What I learned the most is that we must be proactive instead of reactive. Bettering our communities starts with taking care of our children.
Where do you go for the top news in Early Learning at the state level? Check out “5 Questions for...