“His name is Spencer,” declared the kindergartner proudly holding out her hand. “Spencer the Slug.” Other students jostled for a...
When The New York Times declared, “America’s Mothers Are in Crisis” in February, it was hardly news to America’s mothers....
Universal child care is getting a turn in the spotlight. President Joe Biden has proposed universal preschool for all American...
Mind Field: One Topic, Six Experts
#3: Literacy
Early Learning Nation explores the world of early learning by connecting with advocates, community leaders, early learning professionals, parents and...
On Thursday, April 29, The Hunt Institute hosted a conversation with researchers and school leaders in Virginia. Data on new school readiness points to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the preparedness of young students.
BOOK REVIEW: Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending U.S. Poverty
An Indictment of U.S. Policy and Clarion Call to Fix It
Thanks to U.S. public policy going back decades, nearly 40 million people in this country live below the poverty line...
Businesses merge all the time. Nonprofit mergers rarely occur, but experts have long pointed to the potential advantages of joining...
Universal, Public Preschool Found to Help Students Long After They Graduate
Proof that Investing in Universal Preschool Can Pay Off
Is universal, public preschool good for children? Is it worth spending billions of dollars on, or will that money be...
The Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act: The Boldest Plan On Offer Is Quietly Received (3-Part Series, Part 2)
Series: Which Path Forward?: Analyzing the Flurry of Federal Child Care Proposals
Sen. Elizabeth Warren was in many ways the match that lit the current child care moment. Before the world had...
Listening to Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek talk about education can feel like the first time you visit one of those frozen yogurt places where you add your own toppings. You start with a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but it’s all so good, you don’t know quite where to stop.
“This is a moment for difficult conversations,” says Dr. Robert Blaine, who recently became senior executive of the Institute for...
Whitney Taylor belongs to Iowa’s largely female, often minority and almost always underpaid, child-care workforce. As center director at Capitol...